Stroll along Sumida River
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- Created by:
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- Start at:
N 35° 39.557 E 139° 46.638
- Location:
- Play Time:
3 to 4 hours
- Date Added:
1/9/2008 12:12 PM
- Last Updated:
2/4/2011 12:45 PM
- Downloads:
- Completions:
Walking along Sumida River, Tokyo, Japan
About This Cartridge
Your task is to get a Basho coin. Please enjoy walking along the Sumida River.
Starting Location
Kachidoki station in subway O-edo line
Recent Cartridge Logs:
yo-yo-f played it on 9/13/2008
I challenged this wherigo through an emulator as I had no Garmin Colorado, and got the coin and the completion code. I had not known there were such places relating to Basho beside the Sumida river and I would like to visit there in the near future, and also to play this wherigo in the field after purchasing a Colorado. (I could not understand the meaning of the ‘Haiku’ – Japanese poem consisting of seventeen syllables – requested to answer, even though a Japanese I am.) TFTH
Garmin Coloradoを持っていないのでエミュレーターでチャレンジし、コインと完了コードを得ました。芭蕉に関連する場所が隅田川の側にあるとは知りませんでした。近い内、そこを訪問、また、Coloradoを購入した後には現地でプレイしたいと思います。(答えを要求された俳句の意味そのものは、日本人の私にさえ、理解出来ませんでした。)TFTH
geotrouvetou played it on 5/31/2008
Nice cartridge. Good job ! Thanks.
BCNorwich played it on 1/15/2008
Most interesting, I've now a little more knowledge of Japan. I'm not sure how to rate something I have very limited experience of. But it kept me amused for a while and taught me a bit more about Whereigo.
Many Thanks
TOSY wrote a note for it on 1/13/2008
I have updated the cartridge.
- Added completion code
- Correct error message conditions
coggins played it on 1/11/2008
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