Latest Release:
Version: 2.2
Price: Free
(release notes)



Bicycles are permitted Access or parking fee Stroller Accessible Public restrooms available Scenic Views Not available at all times

Farragut State Park History 

  • Average Rating: 5 stars
  • Created by: Blue Meanie
  • Submitted by: Premium Member Blue Meanie
  • Start at:  N 47° 57.074 W 116° 36.195
  • Location: Idaho, United States
  • Play Time: 1 to 2 hours
  • Date Added: 4/28/2013 8:50 PM
  • Last Updated: 6/26/2023 10:11 AM
  • Downloads: 288
  • Completions: 19

Tour through Farragut State Park. Associated geocache:

About This Cartridge

A trip through Farragut State Park near Bayview, ID. Formerly known as Farragut Naval Training Station. This cartridge takes you around the park with an emphasis on the history of the park. Most of the trip is by car with small walks. There is more to the park, and this just covers a portion. The park requires a fee to enter and is really only accessible when the snow is off the roads.
I highly recommend getting a map from the headquarters building.

The cartridge takes about an hour and a half if a car is used. This could theoretically be done with a bike.

Associated Geocache is GC4ATFH 

Starting Location

Start at the park entrance and proceed to the Headquarters building area. You can arrive here from Athol, ID or Bayview, ID. Follow the highway to the park.  

Recent Cartridge Logs:

Groundspeak Premium Member highprairie played it on 5/6/2018

Rating: 4 stars

I used the WhereYouGo app on a Galaxy S7 phone which worked well. Cartridge version 1.5 had some problems though because park employees have replaced 4 signs which removed information needed to progress through the cartridge. I completed the cartridge by guessing, trial and error and looking up information on the internet. The cartridge has been updated to version 1.6 and hopefully this solved the missing signs problem.
I enjoyed the tour of Farragut Park and learning about the Navy training that occurred during WW2. It was fun progressing through the Wherigo cartridge.


Groundspeak Premium Member DiscGolfBirdie played it on 7/15/2016

Rating: 5 stars

Started this WhereIGo on Monday, July 11th and finished on Friday, July 15th! Unfortunately, there was a sign missing, and I didn't reach the BlueMeanies until the last day of my trip.

While logging my other Farragut State Park finds at Ralph's Internet Cafe in Bayview, I remembered seeing that LookOutLisa had been here. I looked up her CacheAdvance phone number and was lucky to make connections to find the needed answer. As it happens, the sign that is missing now is a different one than the cartridge revision that I had downloaded. I'll email photos to the c.o., so that there are no spoilers here.

Once I got the completion code for the WhereIGo, I forgot that I had a logbook to find too. My muggle spouse was waiting for me to return with the car, so I transported him to the disc golf course again, then went back for the last step. You Idaho geocachers sure do like to bushwhack!

All in all, it was a very interesting tour! Unfortunately, my friends only got to do the first part with me. Thanks for the information just in time!


Groundspeak Premium Member GeoCrackers played it on 11/7/2015

Rating: 5 stars

Enjoyed this Wherigo, because of winter season some routes are blocked so you need a detour sometimes.


Groundspeak Premium Member D'Dawg played it on 7/28/2015

Rating: 5 stars

Got to explore the inner workings of the park just a bit more than we did last time we were here, all thanks to this one bringing us out here in crazy style. Nice tour of the history of the area!


Groundspeak Premium Member Krusen4Kache played it on 7/28/2015

Rating: 5 stars

I've wanted to get out here for this one for quite some time but was apparently waiting for just the right time to give it a shot. Picking up D'Dawg's Wherigo coin in Clarkston a few weeks ago and desiring to move it to a wherigo cache prompted the planning. D'Dawg and his family (RobotMonkeyBoy, Swiss Cheese Brain, and WrongWayMommy) were invited to join in on the fun, and a free day for the lot of us presented itself. From start to finish, my Oregon550 worked flawlessly, and we actually learned a thing or two along the way. Very well done, and added navigation clues along the way were certainly appreciated. The park map acquired at the manned fee station near HQ certainly helped as well just as suggested in the description. Thanks Blue Meanies. 5 stars!


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