Latest Release:
Price: Free
(release notes)
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- Start at:
N 59° 26.243 E 024° 44.710
- Location:
- Play Time:
1 to 2 hours
- Date Added:
3/28/2019 11:46 AM
- Last Updated:
2/13/2020 9:27 PM
- Downloads:
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About This Cartridge
This whrigo is dedicated to tourist geocachers visiting Tallinn. Discover the city with this free sightseeing tour of a different kind! You have to discover 10 touristic hotspots to receive the coordinates (or 45 for bonus). The problem is: you don't know where are those spots! Just walk or drive round Tallinn like a muggle tourist would, and when you believe you might be in a touristic hotspot just run the cartridge and check for it. The areas are all around the city, some are huge and some are small depending on the muggle-touristic interest. Hint: There is only one hotspot inside the medieval Old Town.
You can start the game wherever you want, no need to deal with a particular order of finds. You can save the cartridge between finds and meanwhile enjoy classic caching and attractions. It is possible to play the wherigo in Estonian or in English, but the descriptions of the sights are only in English.
Starting Location
None specified
Recent Cartridge Logs:
Lembitu played it on 7/31/2021
This is a pleasant introduction to the city.
waldstadt played it on 8/11/2020
Die beiden WIG’s „I like TALLINN“ haben fuer uns eine lange Vorgeschichte. Als Liebhaber der Wherigos haben wir in unserem Urlaub 2019 begonnen, die versteckten Zonen in der Stadt und der Umgebung zu suchen. Wir waehlten hierbei vorwiegend das Fahrrad, da die Entfernungen sonst einfach zu gross werden. Trotzdem gelang es uns nicht, das angestrebte Ziel zu erreichen. Aber mehr als 40 Zonen waren schon gefunden. Ein Jahr spaeter fuhren nun goofy0110 und anetka_skarpetka wieder nach Tallinn. Mit unseren Informationen im Gepaeck haben beide das Projekt erfolgreich beendet. Somit steht auch unser Kuerzel in diesen beiden Logbuechern.
Vielen Dank für den WIG und Gruesse von waldstadt.
jocasife played it on 6/13/2019
During our tour through Tallinn, it was easy to complete the task, however the final location was a little far away and we all had to be on board on time, so was not possible to have a drink. Next time maybe.
Pzi played it on 6/6/2019
nice one.
NnAstel played it on 5/9/2019
Really cool idea. Found 17 spots. Thank you for the adventure :)
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