Take a quick walk around 'Iolani Palace and visit with some Hawaiian Royalty. Should take you less than 1 hour to complete.
Welcome to 'Iolani Palace. A Hawaiian national treasure and the only official state residence of royalty in the United States, 'Iolani Palace was the official residence of the Hawaiian Kingdom's last two monarchs - King Kalakaua, who built the Palace in 1882, and his sister and successor, Queen Lili'uokalani.
The Geocache counterpart to this Wherigo is GC1W4ZF - Hawaiian Royalty.
Don't forget to grab the 2 other caches nearby: GC16FDF - Let There Be Light and GC990E - UTM (Under The Monarchy).
Cache_Lee played it on 7/9/2015
I visited this area many times with my mainland visitors but wasn't geocaching then. I actually ended up doing this one several times as the first time I didn't get the coins...duh? I should read the instructions...haha. Next time I got to the end but hit the abort key had some more problems due to my errors. So I didn't want to start all over. I came back the third time and started at the burial site, then the King and did the Queen last and found grab all coins in a short time. Put lots of steps on my Fitbit for all three times so this was a great wherigo.
All three locations were very interesting and I rate this wherigo as one of the best in Hawaii. Thank you. It was my first experience with wherigo using my iphone6.
Mr. RJ Leddbearl played it on 5/30/2015
quite enjoyed this cache on a Friday afternoon after listening to the Royal Hawaiian band on the palace lawn
KJKlock played it on 11/19/2014
After I got out of my meeting today, I didn’t even go back to the hotel to change clothes; I just headed out to find more Wherigo caches. I had played and found 3 Wherigos last night, and I needed to find more. I tried for 3 more of them tonight but only ended up finding 2 of them. This was one of the ones that I did find.
I ended up visiting all three zones before I started seeing Signal and the geocoins that I needed to collect. I then had to re-visit all the zones again to collect the geocoins. I'm not sure if this was by design, if something wasn't working correctly, or if it was due to operator error / inattention to detail (the last one is very possible).
In the end, everything worked great and I liked that the cartridge developer provided a picture with the cache location circled; that was a nice touch.
I’ve developed 3 cartridges so far myself and I am currently working on my 4th and most ambitious / elaborate Wherigo project.
I'll give this one 4 stars here on wherigo.com and a favorite point over on geocaching.com.
Thanks for another Wherigo... I know it takes a lot of effort to develop these, and I can't get enough of them. This one was our Wherigo find #53.
Nid&Randy played it on 7/6/2013
Our first WHERIGO game. Thanks for the tour of the area.
ZenGuru played it on 5/11/2013
My first Whereigo cache experience. Have always ignored them in the past, as I do not own one of the fancy Garmin's that support this. However, I discovered that there is an app that does work on my iPhone -- I just can't upload the completed cartridge from it (or I couldn't figure out to do it). Now that I am home and have access to my iTunes, I was able to find and upload it.