There's no need to fear, Underdog is here!
He has his own Wherigo geocache.
You will start in the parking area for Shelter D at Nippersink Forest Preserve.
grateful cacher played it on 5/13/2012
Very nicely crafted Wherigo cartridge. This is my 19th Wherigo, and I played it using both my Garmin Oregon 550t and iPhone 4s. Both worked flawlessly, and the Oregon didn't crash once (but then I saved it after leaving every zone). Great walking experience in this nice park, my first Wherigo in Illinois. Well done.
LyleVB played it on 2/4/2012
Had a fun romp around the lake with Iowa Beaver helping save the day.
DinaWorks played it on 11/6/2010
On a beautiful autumn day, Shazam Man, Wheels00, Wheelz01 and I set out to help Underdog defeat Simon Bar Sinister. We had a great time following the story. Unfortunately, the PiGo iPhone application did not run the cartridge properly after about the midway point, so it's a good thing I was with fellow cachers with "real" GPSrs so we could complete our task. Thanks, Mr. Charlie, for a great adventure and for my introduction to Nippersink.
NatalieD! played it on 10/30/2010
this was my first wherigo, and i was VERY impressed! i loved it! i'm sure a lot of thought and preparation went into putting this together. thankfully scottberks and i were able to help underdog complete his mission and save the day! ;) thanks for this awesome cache! TNLN/SL
ssphoto44 played it on 7/25/2010
Well done WGO cache! Worked pretty smooth overall on my Android phone.