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Latest Release:
Version: 1.3
Price: Free
(release notes)



Dogs are permitted Not Handicap Accesible Not stroller Accessible Public restrooms available Scenic Views Hiking required Volume required

LOST In Weston 

  • Average Rating: 4 stars
  • Created by: The Cartooners
  • Submitted by: Basic Member The Cartooners
  • Start at:  N 51° 22.598 W 002° 57.657
  • Location: United Kingdom
  • Play Time: 2 to 3 hours
  • Date Added: 4/23/2008 5:43 AM
  • Last Updated: 9/12/2010 8:57 AM
  • Downloads: 214
  • Completions: 2

A role playing adventure game based on the TV series LOST.

About This Cartridge

A role playing adventure game based on the TV series LOST.

You are Jack Shepard, a Doctor and one of only 72 survivors of a plane crash, Oceanic Flight 815 travelling from Sydney to New York.

You have so far managed to survive for 63 days on a remote island with no communication with the outside world.

However, it has recently come to your attention that a boat is anchored some 10 miles off shore.

Your mission is to make a radio transmisison to the boat in order to be rescued.

Good luck.
Oh, and dont forget to interact with things.  It may just help you.  if you get stuck read the available task. 

Starting Location

Sand Bay car park. 

Recent Cartridge Logs:

Groundspeak Premium Member Gnomedodds played it on 5/18/2009

Rating: 4 stars

Decided today that I would do some wherigos but the weather put me off so I just picked one. This one looked good so off I went I intercepted my mum and geohound ru just as they were going walking to join me. From the start had no problem wondering round tripping the locations and finding the clues. Until one froze and then wouldn't load the save so I started a new one didn't save on close then opened previous game and this solved the problem. Overall all went good got all the clues and completed, unfortunatly I hadn't written down a number so had to get lucky and got the cache in the end with one digit missing
Overall time take car to cache was 2 .5 hrs completing at 1906 then it decided to rain for the way back to the car, o well.
Enjoyed the wherigo overall will do some more tomorrow!!


Groundspeak Premium Member Al & Tracy Smith played it on 3/20/2009

Rating: 4 stars

Picked the right afternoon to go for this one. Loverly sunshine, great views and a very enjoyable walk. The cartridge worked fine and is was the suspence of where the arrow would take us next added to the enjoyment. Only one glitch at the end as wasn't sure what to count, but after looking at it for a moment it was quite clear what was required. So with all the info to hand it the cache was soon in my hands, now where did I leave the car - LOL. The dog had a great time and is now happily in his basket, legs in the air fast asleep.
Al & Bobbie the dog


Groundspeak Premium Member myriadgreen played it on 1/18/2009

Rating: 2 stars

What a let down - whilst the interactivity and use of items was good, the ending, which prohibited us from actually finding the cache, annoyed me greatly, as did the lengthy walk back to the car.
We did have a map and knew the route to go but it was so clogged in mud that we had no choice to walk back along the road.
It took us 4 hours and 8 miles to not get the final co-ords, and not get the cache - it is a bit unfair that you dont have a chance to go and correct your mistakes from earlier, and I'm sure as hell not going to go round the whole thing again.
It seemed that to go to the location to find the final coordinates you had to go on private land.
The use of graffiti in a clue also seemed inappropriate given that it can be added to or removed. Anyone doing this cache should be aware that it is a very long walk (although shorter I am sure if the path back to the car is navigable). I'm sorry about the whinging, but it was a big let down after such a good wherigo


Groundspeak Regular Member a_snail wrote a note for it on 1/18/2009


Just to elaborate a little, we were unable to get to the final locations after the Cartridge had completed to get the information about where to locate the cache. The GPS was insisting we had to go and have dinner in the house. I'm surprised the Oregon was that inaccurate, especially given it had done quite well up to that point, but there we go.

Like others we didn't do a couple of things important earlier on in the game since we were reluctant to squander it just in case Hurly demanded it as payment later on. This left us 3 bits of information down.

We tried to reload the cartridge but it was too late by that point and the damaged had been done. Unlike all other puzzles before completing the cartridge none of the final ones could be corrected/redone.

The remaining information after a bit of thinking we managed to remember/work out what they should be but with only half the information, we gave up.

For people like us that failed to find the cache, it might be wise to place the information about how to get back somewhere more accessible. At a guess the information would have taken us back through very wet fields, so at this time of year, far from ideal. I think in hind site, walking back the way we came would have been the best option, given the road was narrow in places and very busy with fast moving cars.

Only other comment is there is no sound for the Oregon (and I suspect the Colorado). That said, with the wind, I’m not sure I would have heard most of the sound anyway.

All in all up to the point of completing the cartridge and the story, a good trip (if perhaps a bit longer than suggested) with lovely views over the Severn and lots of wildlife to watch and worthy of many stars.


Groundspeak Premium Member janon played it on 9/21/2008

Rating: 5 stars

Bought the Colorado a couple of weeks ago to enhance the geocaching experience and, of course, to try Wherigo.

After some teething problems last weekend we went for it again today. Thoroughly enjoyable experience. Well done to the cartooners, we can see the huge amount of effort that was put into creating it.

It took us about 4 hours car to car.

Will be trying some other local ones soon. TFTW


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