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Version: 1.2
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Vilnius sightseeing 

  • Average Rating: 4.5 stars
  • Created by: Nerijus
  • Submitted by: Basic Member Nerijus
  • Start at:  N 54° 41.021 E 025° 17.362
  • Location: Lithuania
  • Play Time: 2 to 3 hours
  • Date Added: 4/24/2011 3:47 PM
  • Last Updated: 8/2/2014 2:05 PM
  • Downloads: 1802
  • Completions: 61

You will visit lots of top20 most visited Vilnius places. In each location guide will be waiting for you. Talk with him and he will help you to find secret keys. After you will have six secret keys, you will be able to get final cache location.

About This Cartridge

You will visit lots of top20 most visited Vilnius places. In each location guide will be waiting for you. Talk with him and he will help you to find secret keys. After you will have six secret keys, you will be able to get final cache location. 

Starting Location

Pilies street, Vilnius 

Recent Cartridge Logs:

Groundspeak Premium Member waldstadt played it on 6/7/2019

Rating: 5 stars

Wir spielen gerne einen WIG. Deshalb wollten wir unserem Stadtrundgang durch Vilnius mit dieser Cartridge komplettieren. Allerdings hatten wir die Aufgabenstellung unterschätzt. Wir wunderten uns über die sehr großen Zonen. Dabei vergaßen wir aber teilweise, den Key einzusammeln. Dadurch mussten wir einige Zonen zweimal besuchen. Am Ende hatten wir alle Schlüssel zusammen. Trotzdem war es noch ein Stück Weg bis zur finalen Dose. Dort konnten wir uns dann in das Logbuch eintragen. Für Idee und Umsetzung vergeben wir gerne einen FP.
Vielen Dank und Grüße von **waldstadt**.

išverstas į „Google“
Mums patinka žaisti TIG. Štai kodėl norėjome užbaigti Vilniaus miesto ekskursiją su šia kasete. Tačiau mes nepakankamai įvertinome užduotį. Susimąstėme apie labai dideles zonas. Tačiau mes iš dalies pamiršome rinkti raktą. Todėl du kartus turėjome apsilankyti keliose zonose. Galų gale visi raktai buvo kartu. Nepaisant to, jis vis dar buvo šiek tiek kelias į paskutinį langelį. Tada galėtume užsiregistruoti žurnale. Džiaugiamės galėdami suteikti FP idėjai ir įgyvendinimui.
Ačiū ir sveikinimai iš **waldstadt**.

translated with Google
We like to play a TIG. That's why we wanted to complete our city tour of Vilnius with this cartridge. However, we had underestimated the task. We wondered about the very large zones. But we partly forgot to collect the key. As a result, we had to visit several zones twice. In the end we had all the keys together. Nevertheless, it was still a bit way to the final box. There we could then register in the logbook. We are happy to award a FP for the idea and implementation.
Many thanks and greetings from **waldstadt**.


Groundspeak Premium Member Ringeck played it on 10/8/2018

Rating: 4 stars

We played this cartridge over the course of two days, and one could have guessed from the start were it would lead us.
At the final location we had a problem, as the cache was tightly stuck within its hole, and we had to improvise as we did not have our normal tools with us...

Tack för Cachen

Ringeck och Finchen


Groundspeak Premium Member Lugger83 played it on 9/23/2018

Rating: 4 stars

Už delší dobu jsme měli s Kakani123 a Hepka1 naplánovanou dovolenou ve Vilniusu. V plánu byly samozřejmě keše, ale také jsme se chtěli seznámit s městem, hlavně s jeho historickým jádrem. Zajímala nás ovšem i místa, která jsou spjatá s moderní historií Litvy. Vše se nám podařilo krásně naplánovat a čas jsme si tak stihli udělat i na výlet do Trakai a Kaunasu.
Omlouvám se všem ownerům za tento hromadný log, ale za ten týden jsme našli bezmála 90 keší a není v mých silách logovat každou zvlášť. Navíc v několika jazycích. Zároveň bych ownerům rád poděkoval za pozvání na zajímavá místa.
Česká republika zdraví Litvu!

Google translator EN:
For a long time, with Kakani123 and Hepka1 had planned a holiday in Vilnius. The plans were of course caches, but we also wanted to get to know the city, especially with its historical core. But we were also interested in places that are connected with the modern history of Lithuania. We managed to plan everything well and we managed to make a trip to Trakai and Kaunas.
I apologize to all the owners for this bulk log, but in that week we found almost 90 caches and it is not in our power to log each one separately. In addition, in several languages. At the same time I would like to thank the owners for their invitation to interesting places.
Greetings from Czech Republic!

Google translator LT:
Ilgą laiką Kakani123 ir Hepka1 planavo atostogas Vilniuje. Žinoma, planai buvo talpinami, bet mes taip pat norėjome sužinoti miestą, ypač jo istorinę šerdį. Tačiau mes taip pat domėjomės vietomis, kurios yra susijusios su šiuolaikine Lietuvos istorija. Mums pavyko planuoti viską gerai, ir mums pavyko nuvažiuoti į Trakus ir Kauną.
Atsiprašau visų šio bulkų žurnalo savininkų, tačiau tą pačią savaitę radome beveik 90 talpyklų ir mes negalime kiekvieną prisijungti atskirai. Be to, keliomis kalbomis. Tuo pačiu metu norėčiau padėkoti savininkams už kvietimą į įdomias vietas.
Sveikinimai iš Čekijos Respublikos!


Groundspeak Premium Member RaTTeam played it on 10/8/2016

Rating: 5 stars

Thank you for this tour guide along very nice places in Vilnius :-) It worked perfectly at Oregon 300.


Groundspeak Premium Member Astvaldur played it on 9/2/2016

Rating: 5 stars

We palyed this one today while visiting vilnius for our first time. We enjoyed playing it and found a lot of caches alongside.

Thank you for the very interesting sightseeingtour. I played it on my android phone and it worked perfect.

Greetings from Liechtenstein.


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