This Wherigo cache takes you on on a short circular walk through part of Scadbury Park and along Old Perry Street.
You will need to answer questions as you go round. If your first answer is wrong you can try again or skip the question - but you can only skip one, if you haven't answered 6 questions by the end you won't be able to finish.
The starting location for this cache is for some roadside parking in the area. The start of the cartridge is close by.
groosome played it on 11/25/2018
All worked out perfectly using my Android phone and the WhereYouGo app, thanks.
Orti_ played it on 7/25/2017
After finishing Scadbury Story we went straight for the next one . By now the sun was out and it was getting quite hot. Another reason I loved the walk under the big old trees the most . Thanks for another WherIGo which ran without a hitch on my Oregon. Finding the cache container took quite a while, there a loads of places to hide a nano tube . TFTC
Boomshanka played it on 3/12/2016
A nice little tour. All went smoothly on a Samsung Galaxy S3-mini
Royal Oak played it on 1/30/2016
Good fun walking round the woods. I didn't have any problems using a garmin Oregon 450.
PPRDG0 played it on 1/24/2016
We loaded this WherIGo onto both a Garmin Oregon and an iphone and the game played very well on both devices.
We enjoyed playing the Wherigo and learned a lot, the CO has included plenty of interesting information on tree species to read whilst walking the route.
We answered all the questions correctly and finished it in the estimated time. The final cache was found, retrieved and the logsheet duly signed. Many thanks to 'SkiCycle' for setting this one up.