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Price: Free
(release notes)
Snowball Fight Club
- Average Rating:
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- Start at:
Play Anywhere
- Location:
- Play Time:
Less than 1 hour
- Date Added:
12/27/2011 7:32 AM
- Last Updated:
6/3/2018 7:23 PM
- Downloads:
- Completions:
Enter the Snowball Fight Club, defeat 6 opponents to become the Champion
About This Cartridge
Welcome to Snowball Fight Club.
The Legendary Snowball Fight Club is back in session. As a new contender you must find if you have what it takes to advance. Fight through a random selection of a 29 opponent pool consisting of your fellow geocachers (who attended the Happy New Year 5 event) for the chance to take on the top combatant, a figure so mysterious and awe inspiring we cannot mention them within the confines of this cache description.
Starting Location
Play-anywhere (final geocache located in Grand Rapids, MI)
Recent Cartridge Logs:
bretina wrote a note for it on 6/3/2018
Moved location of the Final (due to construction) and uploaded a new cartridge.
BrianandStacey played it on 5/8/2013
WOW that was tough. Had to play twice and the whole time I kept thinking... PLEASE let me win this because I don't want to do this over and over again.
Wayward Wanderers played it on 11/4/2012
Played this one enough to get the coordinates but not good enough to beat the reigning champion.
mr. bloodhound played it on 9/19/2012
Great one. Thanks. Now its off to the physical location.
Wizzardofodd played it on 8/8/2012
Had some problems with my Oregon and had to start this three times. Finally finished it 2 days ag and found the cache today. Fun for a hot summer.
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