Wherigo Cartridges
A cartridge is a downloadable file that contains all the information necessary to
play Wherigo. Cartridges can be played wherever you have a GPS signal, and may be
linked to a single location or "Play Anywhere."
Want to learn more? Read the FAQ!
Wherigo cartridges are written in Lua,
a powerful, fast, light-weight embeddable scripting language.
Featured Cartridge
- Created by: Ranger Fox
- Whack-A-Lakey! Remember those games you played in arcades? This game is based on Whack-A-Mole. There are three things you can whack in Whack-A-Lackey: muggles, forum moderators, and Groundspeak lackeys. Run to an area and whack the lackey before s/he disappears! Post your high score and its confirmation code to the cartridge page and compete! Proudly demonstrated at GW6! Needed to complete the Wherigo Geocache GC1CE5Z. Learn more...