Wherigo Player Tutorial
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- Created by:
The Wherigo Media Group
- Submitted by:
- Start at:
Play Anywhere
- Location:
- Play Time:
Less than 1 hour
- Date Added:
11/21/2007 11:56 AM
- Last Updated:
3/4/2008 11:48 AM
- Downloads:
- Completions:
This cartridge will teach you how to use the Wherigo Player and give you an idea of what you can do with the platform.
About This Cartridge
Wherigo is a toolset for creating and playing location based adventures that combine virtual elements with the real world using a GPS device.
This 15 minute adventure style tutorial cartridge will teach you the basics of using the Wherigo player interface. Take your GPS device outside to begin the experience.
Starting Location
You'll need to be able to walk at least 50 meters away from your starting location in order to play. Try to find an open area where you can view most of the sky.
Recent Cartridge Logs:
xclamation played it on 7/22/2024
A good introduction to Whereigo.
gjhimages played it on 6/21/2024
Cosmo21 played it on 3/2/2024
Ich wollte mal sehen, was das so ist.
scarlet2501 played it on 11/2/2023
Sehr gut zu spielender Wherigo.
Hat Spaß gemacht.
TXGeekette played it on 10/24/2023
Finally got WhereIGo to work for me! Thank you for the tutorial. Can't wait to try this for real in the field.
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