Latest Release:
Version: 1.2
Price: Free
(release notes)



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Stewart's Stroll 

  • Average Rating: none
  • Created by: SkiCycle
  • Submitted by: Premium Member SkiCycle
  • Start at:  Play Anywhere
  • Location: n/a
  • Play Time: Less than 1 hour
  • Date Added: 5/14/2024 4:42 AM
  • Last Updated: 6/29/2024 7:42 AM
  • Downloads: 836
  • Completions: 2

This cartridge provides the coordinates for the Stewart's Stroll Wherigo caches.

About This Cartridge

A series of questions about the four counties of the South East of England, seagulls and Mega events. The cartridge contains all of the questions for the Stewart's Stroll cache series Wherigo caches. It must be played on a smartphone. 

Starting Location

This is a play anywhere cartridge. 

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