Latest Release:
Version: 1.0
Price: Free
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Signal Seeks Sasquatch 

  • Average Rating: none
  • Created by: DiscGolfBirdie
  • Submitted by: Premium Member DiscGolfBirdie
  • Start at:  Play Anywhere
  • Location: United States
  • Play Time: Less than 1 hour
  • Date Added: 2/14/2024 8:50 AM
  • Last Updated: 2/14/2024 8:53 AM
  • Downloads: 122
  • Completions: 0

About This Cartridge

Signal has heard that it is possible to see wildlife in Silverdale on the Clear Creek Trail! Birds are abundant. Beaver, deer, river otters, and rabbits live here. There is even talk of a Sasquatch sighting! 

Starting Location

Park along Silverdale Way and cross at the intersection. 

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