Accept your mission and enter the San Jose Flea Market. You will receive instructions from a mysterious contact. Follow them and you will be rewarded.
The San Jose Flea Market is open Wednesday - Sunday from dawn to dusk. There is a parking fee of $2 on weekdays and $6 on weekends. Also, a cellphone or money for a payphone is necessary for this cartridge.
Imagery best displayed using a PocketPC.
This is an open source cartridge. We have included a text file in the "download source" section to help builders and players become more familiar with this cartridge.
NetteEgge played it on 4/9/2023
Heute wurden anstatt Ostereier, Dosen gesucht.
Tftc sagen Netteegge aus Franken
Moozer played it on 10/27/2010
Did this one in the rain. A couple of steps took a little work, but wasn't too bad overall. Have no idea how to get the unlock code, though :(
Touchstone played it on 5/31/2008
Wow! That was a challenge. Especially since numbers and math are not my particular strong point (LOL). Managed to brute force through a couple of sections, had a couple "hand smacking the forehead" moments, but generally had a great time. Luckily, I got to the Market as they were just closing things up, so was able to hustle through all the Zones and get it done before they rolled up the carpet for the night. Followed up the Cartridge with a dinner at the Coop with my GBA friends. Pretty perfect day all in all.....well except I had to work the first part of the day :P
forman played it on 4/26/2008
This was a fun place to check out. One huge problem was when we called the number it was garbled and could not be understood. Glad Marky had done it and gave us a clue to finish it.
Also, tried to upload the gws thing and got the
The file was unreadable by the system. Are you sure you have a valid GWS file?
Where do we get the code?
Marky played it on 2/10/2008
After having brunch with BuckyD, WalruZ and GeoBaby, we decided to go do the Flea Market Wherigo Cartridge. After a bit of a shaky start, we got into the swing of things and were able to complete the mission. It was amazingly crowded today. Afterwards, we strolled through the Flea Market, but didn't end up buying anything besides a shaved ice and a couple of corn on the cob. Nice day to be playing about. Afterwards, we did a few nearby geocaches.