A walk around Kings Cross St Pancras in London, to find a geocache!
This is a tour that will take you to see parts of Kings Cross St Pancras in London. In the end it will lead you to a geocache that can be logged as a find here:
(visit link)
It is the first Wherigo to be part of the SideTracked series of geocaches.
This Wherigo cartridge was made using the amazing Earwigo web tool. Thank you to the Earwigo team!
buzio played it on 7/4/2016
Took about an hour to complete as my gps failed to get anywhere near stage 3. Returned to the beginning and used my iPhone. Arrived at final location but no hint within cartridge(or I missed it) so took a short search. Noticed later that the geocaching page does have a hint
An interesting tour around a couple of areas I had not been before
Sowerby played it on 6/26/2016
The cartridge worked OK today - I had problems a few months ago. Took me to various parts of the station and then gave me a final location. Unfortunately there were a lot of muggles where I wanted to look for the cache and I couldn't grab the cache before I had to get the train home. Will try again next time in London.
fa-peti played it on 6/15/2016
The first cache I found on my daytrip to London from Budapest. I love Wherigo caches and already found a few of that (Sweden, Netherlands). This one was easy and an interesting one around the stations of Kings Cross and St Pancras International (where I arrived after my early morning flight landed in Luton). At the third location I was struggling to get into the zone, because my Android device could not log on to all satellites because of the station building very close. The whole walk was exciting, and I would have missed some of these places if not playing this Wherigo. The game was played with the WhereYouGo Android app.
It was a nice cache and hope to do some more wherigos soon. Greetings from Budapest, Hungary.
Aphid Greene played it on 5/1/2016
In London for the weekend with Special K to see Wonder.Land (you say "wonder dot land") at the Nat.
Having started our visit with a SideTracked Earthcache, it was fitting to finish the trip with a ST Wherigo. Managed to whip round in under 30 mins (which is just as well as we only just made our train!). I love WiGs and the fact that people spend the time to construct them. :)
UlsterLatinos played it on 12/1/2015
A great wee Wherigo, didn't take too long and showed some parts of the stations I otherwise would have missed. Played using Geowigo on Windows Phone.