Run to the Outback
- Average Rating:

- Created by:
Ranger Fox
- Submitted by:
Ranger Fox
- Start at:
N 36° 10.203 W 079° 52.003
- Location:
North Carolina, United States
- Play Time:
2 to 3 hours
- Date Added:
4/22/2010 1:42 PM
- Last Updated:
9/13/2014 9:05 PM
- Downloads:
- Completions:
Can you make it to "The Outback" on time?
About This Cartridge
This is a time-attack cartridge for the geocache "Run to 'The Outback' " (GC27934).
You have 40 minutes to get to "The Outback" from the trailhead. There are rest stops along the way.
Starting Location
The Owl's Roost trailhead.
Recent Cartridge Logs:
smashemups played it on 4/3/2015
I really enjoyed this cache. It was physically taxing on me but I needed it for my Fizzy Challenge D/T grid. Thanks RF for your time and effort.
g.Athena played it on 6/18/2010
This was a tough one (physically). But I believe I have completed it, as it took me to the skull and crossbones. I saved at this point. When I try to upload the file, however, it says not completed. The autosave was totally needed, as if it hadn't been there, I'd have had to re-do the last leg, when it crashed hard (remove battery to re-boot)
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