Latest Release:
Version: 1.1
Price: Free
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Swinging hard, sliding home 

  • Average Rating: none
  • Created by: Heeneey
  • Submitted by: Basic Member Heeneey
  • Start at:  N 44° 49.130 W 093° 16.406
  • Location: United States
  • Play Time: Less than 1 hour
  • Date Added: 7/22/2024 11:03 AM
  • Last Updated: 7/23/2024 3:39 PM
  • Downloads: 58
  • Completions: 0

A mini tour of Gene Kelly park

About This Cartridge

A wherigo cartridge taking you past various places in the Gene C. Kelly Park where you can swing hard. You'll also see places where you can slide home, whether that be in baseball or to the final home of the geocache. 

Starting Location

North parking lot of Gene C. Kelly Park in Bloomington, MN. 

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