Latest Release:
Version: 3.6
Price: Free
(release notes)



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The Reverse Cache - beta 

  • Average Rating: 4 stars
  • Created by: -Waldmeister-
  • Submitted by: Basic Member -Waldmeister-
  • Start at:  Play Anywhere
  • Location: n/a
  • Play Time: Unknown
  • Date Added: 12/25/2011 7:17 AM
  • Last Updated: 12/31/2024 4:58 AM
  • Downloads: 591256
  • Completions: 5633

This software is beta (still in test), use at your own risk, no warranties! You are the owner of a Reverse-Cache-Box, which will not give you coordinates but rather indicate the distance to the final/geocache. Your task is to find the geocache using the box as little as possible for checking the distance.

About This Cartridge

This software is beta (still in test), use at your own risk.

a Wherigo by -Waldmeister- (visit link)

__Best practice:__
-Disable energy saver mode
-Act slowly: After pressing a button, wait and do not press immediately again!

__Nice to know:__
-Where the Idea to this WIG comes from: Watch M. Hart's Reverse Geocache Puzzle Box (visit link)
-Find the first ReverseCache-WIG in:
Germany/Bavaria/Regensburg (visit link)
-All the ReverseCaches: (visit link)
-Play on IPhone, Android, Symbian (Download Pocket PC-Version)
or your Garmin (Download Garmin-Version)
-Languages: Deutsch, English, Polskawy, Spanish, France, Cestina  

Starting Location

Start anywhere in the world :)
Please make sure your phone / GPS receiver always has good signal.

Happy Caching :) 

Recent Cartridge Logs:

Groundspeak Premium Member tim55 played it on 3/22/2025

Rating: 5 stars

Po dokončení části "lesní procházky" jsem se pokusil po dlouhé předlouhé době pustit wigo. A k tomu ještě reversní!!! Z počátku to trochu drhlo, ale pak jsem to rozchodil a na 5 polus jsem se dostal do potřebné blízkosti finálky, kterou jsem po chvíli hledání šťastně našel. Díky za prima keše, bylo nám ctí se zde zalogovat se srdíčkem navrch.


Groundspeak Premium Member dibd played it on 3/20/2025

Rating: 5 stars

i played it for GCB3FPG
great !


Groundspeak Premium Member FranzStefanB played it on 3/14/2025

Rating: 4 stars

Danke für den Ausflug in die schöne Gegend!


Groundspeak Premium Member zerohv played it on 3/11/2025

Rating: 5 stars

Heute kam die Reverse-Cache-Cartridge wieder einmal für die Caches "Angeln🎣 an der B 95" (GCB06QR) und "Let's Play – Galgenraten" (GCB24KK) zum Einsatz.
Danke - zerohv


Groundspeak Premium Member white-star played it on 3/9/2025

Rating: 4 stars

Heute im Rahmen einer Cache-Reihe konnte ich die Finaldose schnell und gut finden. Vielen Dank fürs Herführen und natürlich auch für den Wherigo!


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