JenOvations Hates Crickets!
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Play Anywhere
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Less than 1 hour
- Date Added:
5/16/2024 9:24 PM
- Last Updated:
5/16/2024 9:37 PM
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This is a Wherigo made all in good fun to make JenOvations laugh!
This wherigo uses sound!
About This Cartridge
This is a Wherigo made all in good fun to make JenOvations laugh!
Thank you katierose_ for the help with the story line!
This wherigo uses sound. Turn on your volume, make sure your phone isnt on vibrate and have fun! If using a garmin, everything is also typed out. But I think you would enjoy it with the volume more :D
Starting Location
This is a play-anywhere wherigo!
Recent Cartridge Logs:
Goldfinch played it on 5/29/2024
Fun, easy Wherigo. Played on my IPhone and it worked without any trouble. Thank you for a laugh ot two this morning. Now will have to see when I can get down that way to find the little bugger.
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