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Version: 1.0
Price: Free
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Church Micro 14627...St Edmund's 

  • Average Rating: 5 stars
  • Created by: angelou666
  • Submitted by: Premium Member angelou666
  • Start at:  N 52° 07.246 E 000° 14.315
  • Location: United Kingdom
  • Play Time: Less than 1 hour
  • Date Added: 11/24/2022 4:28 AM
  • Last Updated: 11/24/2022 7:50 AM
  • Downloads: 119
  • Completions: 1

Wherigo cartridge for Church Micro 14627.... St Edmund's, Little Abington

About This Cartridge

This is a Wherigo cache with one zone, that asks the cacher some simple questions about the Orthodox iconography on the front of the church, at the posted coordinates.  

Starting Location

St Edmund's Russian Orthodox Church, Little Abington 

Recent Cartridge Logs:

Groundspeak Premium Member Team GBS played it on 5/29/2023

Rating: 5 stars

A nice quick easy Wherigo - always great to be able to clock up another of this increasingly rare cache type!


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