Cartridge Version History

1 (5/3/2012)

1.2 (5/4/2012)

v1.2: - Fixed a bug that prevented automatic save of game after visiting the Emperor. - Improved description of Dark Side and Jedi tags, to make it a bit more clear which one is which. - Added version history to description field.

1.1 (5/4/2012)

Corrects small glitch at the Jedi Master waypoint. If you have the 1.0 version of this cartridge - DO NOT ENTER THE DARK SIDE TAG CODE FROM THAT LOCATION! Keep looking for the Jedi tag and all will be well. If you have this 1.1 version, feel free to be as Dark Side-ish as you wish, the bug has been fixed.

1.3 (5/6/2012)