Cartridge Version History
1.5 (4/27/2013)
We've done a large scale wherigo creation event this weekend, and Elonka and many others have helped out to update Pica's Treasure Hunt (thank you to everyone that helped!) Many of the previous bugs should be fixed (and possibly new ones introduced!) so if you find it's not working correctly let us know!
1.4 (6/24/2011)
Had a couple of suggestions and error notes to fix:
- Some devices can't see the multiple choice questions so I built a workaround into them to get to next stages.
- Other devices weren't locating areas quite right so I set the zones to visible so people can work with the coordinates better.
- Still other devices couldn't see the pictures. Had the icons as .png so I changed them to .jpg to see if that would work better.
1.3 (6/24/2011)
1.2 (6/24/2011)
1.1 (6/24/2011)
1 (6/1/2011)