Cartridge Version History
2.8 (4/8/2023)
One item had to be moved outside a new fence builded on the playground, so here is a new version of the cartidge (April 2023)
2.5 (2/23/2020)
Updates for spoilers since local vegetation has changed in the last years
2.9 (2/20/2024)
New location of cache bonus "Jackpot"
2.7 (8/27/2020)
Small ajustments to previous version 2.6.
2.6 (8/26/2020)
Updated some zone limits because vegetation took over the place making harder to walk around. All set for new players.
2.4 (8/30/2016)
Minor function update.
2.3 (8/27/2016)
Some updates for the bonus geocache "Jackpot" - new location.
Actualizações relativas à nova localização da cache bónus "Jackpot".
2.2 (12/2/2015)
Some adjustments to the new version.
2.1 (11/18/2015)
Latest version with minor updates.
2 (11/16/2015)
Cartridge redesigned.
1.9 (11/15/2015)
Text spelling corrections.
1.8 (11/15/2015)
Text spelling corrections.
1.7 (11/14/2015)
New version: the cartridge was redesigned and has new challenges and options.
1 (12/24/2014)
1.1 (12/25/2014)
1.2 (12/28/2014)
Text spelling verified (again) and other minor corrections were made.
1.3 (1/9/2015)
Minor changes to add some extras.
1.4 (1/12/2015)
New text revision to clarify some tasks.
1.5 (1/15/2015)
Following the feedback from the previous players we have made some adjustments to the cartridge.
1.6 (3/11/2015)
New version of the cartridge with updates for the new stages coordinates. The cache was stolen and for this reason the cartridge had to be changed. Previous versions of the cartridge will not work.