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Version: 1.0
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Walking Tour of Tamworth Wherigo Geocache 

  • Average Rating: 4.5 stars
  • Created by: Too Tall John
  • Submitted by: Premium Member Too Tall John
  • Start at:  N 43° 51.526 W 071° 16.032
  • Location: New Hampshire, United States
  • Play Time: Less than 1 hour
  • Date Added: 3/30/2010 11:06 AM
  • Last Updated: 3/30/2010 4:08 PM
  • Downloads: 370
  • Completions: 14

A Wherigo Geocache in Tamworth, NH.

About This Cartridge

A walking tour of historic Tamworth, NH. Thanks to the Remick Country Doctor Museum and Farm for the historic information. The starting location is in the Public Parking Lot. 

Starting Location

Parking Area 

Recent Cartridge Logs:

Groundspeak Regular Member samosetlbi played it on 5/18/2021


First time completing one of these. Thanks for creating it!


Groundspeak Premium Member mele00 played it on 9/7/2019

Rating: 4 stars

We enjoyed this little walking tour of this cute little town. We successfully found the cache at the end. Unfortunately, we did not get an unlock code.

Thanks for the fun!

Mele00 (Mike and Donna)


Groundspeak Premium Member Derb522002 played it on 6/30/2013

Rating: 5 stars

I did this on my Iphone. I had to email the owner for the final cooridates because my Iphone could not work on the finding the cache.

I really liked the walking tour of tamworth. this was really fun and interesting to do. Thanks for the Whereigo


Groundspeak Premium Member 76-CJ7 played it on 10/13/2012

Rating: 5 stars

Tried to upload the finished cartridge but could not. We had a blast walking around Tamworth with the adroid leading our way. We even had a nice chat with a local in front of the church. It's funny the stuff she was telling us we learned again during the tour. LOL

Great fun


Groundspeak Premium Member britpitts played it on 2/29/2012


Completed this, our first wherigo today with Team Skywalker and #1batman. We were on a quest to complete 'one busy day'. This was our first icon :)
Pretty little village, and a nicely set up cartridge - thanks for setting this one up :)


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