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Version: 1.0
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Historic Buildings of Monmouth 

  • Average Rating: 4.5 stars
  • Created by: Funk to Funky
  • Submitted by: Premium Member Funk to Funky
  • Start at:  N 51° 48.529 W 002° 43.121
  • Location: South Wales, United Kingdom
  • Play Time: Less than 1 hour
  • Date Added: 3/16/2017 4:47 AM
  • Last Updated: 3/16/2017 4:52 AM
  • Downloads: 364
  • Completions: 20

This is a tour of just some of the historic buildings of Monmouth.

About This Cartridge

A tour Wherigo of just some of the large number of historic buildings in Monmouth, at each stop you will be given a bit of information about the site and there is someone at each location who you will need to talk to get more information and the location of the next building. So it's a bit like an interactive multi really. There are 8 locations plus the final cache. 

Starting Location

Monnow Bridge/Cattle Market car park. 

Recent Cartridge Logs:

Groundspeak Premium Member Forest_Trekker played it on 3/30/2024

Rating: 4 stars

Have been visiting the stages of this Wherigo over a few weeks, the GZ was a bit busy today, but soon found, signed and replaced as found


Groundspeak Premium Member mallykay played it on 7/18/2021

Rating: 5 stars

A very enjoyable Wherigo with no difficult questions 😀. There are certainly many beautiful buildings in Monmouth, thank you for taking us to some of them.


Groundspeak Premium Member aB5dEglYeS5P played it on 6/11/2021

Rating: 4 stars

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Groundspeak Premium Member Ed2Ed played it on 9/5/2020

Rating: 5 stars

Always look out for a WiG when we are travelling and this was an excellent introduction to the town. Cartridge worked faultlessly on our Android phones (as they usually do), our only worry being that the recent update, now that Project GC have adopted the tech to rejuvenate it may have messed things up. But no...all's well and pleased that folk are keeping this subgame going now.


Groundspeak Premium Member Haywire_and_Casper played it on 1/19/2019

Rating: 5 stars

i completely messed this up on my first attempt but to be fair it was the second geocache i ever tried and had no idea what i was doing let along throwing the wherigo app in aswell!

so redid it today with the geocaching family and it was great. very informative and geoson enjoyed the interactivity. the apps a little glitchy at times on my phone, but we quickly finished it without to much difficulty.


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