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Version: 1.3
Price: Free
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Totally Tubular Tres 

  • Average Rating: 5 stars
  • Created by: Clan Riffster
  • Submitted by: Premium Member Clan Riffster
  • Start at:  N 28° 41.007 W 081° 07.062
  • Location: United States
  • Play Time: 3 to 4 hours
  • Date Added: 2/5/2022 2:30 PM
  • Last Updated: 8/1/2023 3:31 AM
  • Downloads: 110
  • Completions: 2

A quest for an ammo can, in the Little Big Econ Staste Forest

About This Cartridge

This quest takes you on a 3.5 mile hike, in search of various zones. You should bring a GPS unit with you, to save the battery in your phone. The cartridge will give you GPS coordinates, for each zone you need to travel to. Save after each zone, in case the program crashes. At each zone, you will need to solve a physical puzzle, to acquire the code word needed to continue. If you get stuck, take your best guess, to get a hint.

You will need a pair of AA batteries, on part of your journey. You will also need to bring some sort of pack with you, to carry stuff.

There is very little bushwhacking required, for this quest. 

Starting Location

The Little Big Econ State Forest Pavilion parking area 

Recent Cartridge Logs:

Groundspeak Premium Member seastar255 played it on 4/10/2022

Rating: 5 stars

what a great way to spend a couple of hours in the woods, burning calories and brain cells.

highly recommended. best with friends.


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