Latest Release:
Version: 1.2
Price: Free
(release notes)



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  • Average Rating: 4 stars
  • Created by: strandum
  • Submitted by: Premium Member strandum
  • Start at:  N 59° 55.484 E 010° 42.456
  • Location: n/a
  • Play Time: Unknown
  • Date Added: 9/1/2010 2:22 PM
  • Last Updated: 12/30/2010 11:43 AM
  • Downloads: 2461
  • Completions: 20

About This Cartridge

Welcome!  You are going on a small tour. Be smart, practice CITO!!!  

Starting Location

None specified 

Recent Cartridge Logs:

Groundspeak Premium Member Suse&HRo played it on 8/7/2022


On our second day in Oslo, we visited Frogner Park. The park is very interesting and we liked many (but not all) of the statues. This Wherigo guided us through the park. We played it with an Android smartphone and it worked well. After a nice walk we found the cache and signed the logbook. It was our first Wherigo in Norway.
Takk for cachen!


Groundspeak Premium Member bor76 played it on 5/6/2022

Rating: 4 stars

Thanx for nice wigo, more on


Groundspeak Premium Member Feuervogel123 played it on 3/1/2020

Rating: 4 stars

I played it several years ago and didn't get the Finalcoo. The submitted unlock code didn't work. Both was my fault!
Now i have to grab the container.


Groundspeak Premium Member Bush-Rescue played it on 9/1/2019


I started my day out in Vigelandsparken. Wanted to see this touristic sight anyway and on top there were quite a few caches around.
I always like Wherigos very much, so I started this right first thing. I liked the task and style of it. When I came to the fountain and read the task I started to roll eyes and panic because I had read about the lengh before. Luckily it turned out, that the owner has a similar humor as me, so everything was fine. After I had walked through the whole park and started the multicache, I was ready to catch the final of this wherigo.


Groundspeak Premium Member NnAstel played it on 5/11/2019

Rating: 4 stars

Thank you for the nice walk in a beautiful park :)
Unfortunately my game wasn't saved, so I don't have the Unlock Code.


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