Latest Release:
Version: 1.2
Price: Free
(release notes)



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  • Average Rating: 5 stars
  • Created by: kikker222
  • Submitted by: Premium Member kikker222
  • Start at:  N 45° 53.899 E 014° 15.396
  • Location: Slovenia
  • Play Time: Unknown
  • Date Added: 7/15/2021 2:06 AM
  • Last Updated: 7/15/2021 3:36 AM
  • Downloads: 319
  • Completions: 3

About This Cartridge

Hitri wherigo med postankom na avtocesti.
Fast wherigo during stop at highway. 

Starting Location

Kratek wherigo, ki ga lahko resite med postankom na avtocesti.

Short wherigo, which can be solved during stop at highway. 

Recent Cartridge Logs:

Groundspeak Premium Member Jack Dalton played it on 6/6/2024

Rating: 5 stars

Vom 5. Bis und mit 15. Juni ging es mal wieder mit fastoa in den (Caching-)Urlaub. Hauptziel war der Mega-Event in Horn (AT), wobei da vom 7. Bis 9. auch juniangeel mit von der Partie war. Auf unserer Reise besuchten wir aus der Schweiz kommend Italien, Slovenien, Österreich, die Slovakei, Ungarn, die Ukraine, Rumänien und Kroatien. Auf unserem Weg haben wir wunderbare Landschaften und Kulturen kennenlerne dürfen und sogar einige FTF lagen drin. Vielen Dank an alle Owner fürs Legen und Pflegen, nur durch euch wurde dieses Abenteuer erst möglich.

From June 5 to 15, I once again went on a (caching) vacation with fastoa. Our main destination was the mega-event in Horn (AT), where juniangeel was also present from the 7th to the 9th. Coming from Switzerland, we visited Italy, Slovenia, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Ukraine, Romania and Croatia on our trip. On our way we got to know wonderful landscapes and cultures and even had a few FTFs. Many thanks to all the owners for setting and maintaining the caches, it was only thanks to you that this adventure was possible.

Diesen Wherigo gelöst und uns im Logbuch verewigen können, vioelen Dank!


grüezi sCHwiiz

04.-06. September 2026
in Aarau Switzerland
big Geocaching Event (visit link)


Dies ist mein Fund Nr. 21363


Vielen Dank an kikker222 für den Cache.


Groundspeak Premium Member WolfKK played it on 8/19/2021


Used the break also to look for this WherIgo. I noticed it was deactiveted, but we found the broken container with the log at the final. So we signed it. Thank a lot for the fun on the long drive back.


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