Montgomery's Civil War History

Groundspeak Premium Member kristianmatthews played Montgomery's Civil War History

5 stars

Wife was off volunteering with a local church as a camp counselor and I had lots of free time, so as soon as I was done with what I "had to do" for the day I enacted the saying: When the wife is away, the husband will play...wherigo that is :)

Came up from Enterprise to do the 2 wherigos around the capitol area and the one up at Fort Toulouse, and grab a few more others for jasmer months, and even went all the way up to get the Challenge of the Century and Millenia before heading home (long day, lots of driving, some quality caches, and a happy Kris)

I truly enjoyed walking around MGM today. I had no idea how nice the downtown area is with all these historic sites.

Played the cartridge on my HTC Evo using Whereyougo and had no problems whatsoever. The whole thing ran really smoothly and I really enjoyed this whole cartridge.

At the end I never got an unlock code, just the coordinates to the final. Speaking of which...that final sure seemed to be in such an odd spot considering the rest of this cartridge...really saw some awesome spots though during the walking tour :)

One of these days I am going to set up a wherigo myself I think since some of my favorite caches were these type...probably after this next PCS move to Fort Leonard Wood, MO.

Thanks for all the fun and history. This made my day.
