Wandern mit Walter - Drei Seen Wanderung

Groundspeak Premium Member Ezh_gps played Wandern mit Walter - Drei Seen Wanderung

5 stars

After yesterday's tour with Walter I would like him to guide me through another hike. And it was definitely a very good idea. Lovely lakes, good and interesting trail, perfect sunny weather, almost no mosquitos - it was most pleasant hike today.

In my iPhone the WIG cartridge worked without problems, although couple of times Walter asked me the same questions twice. But he is a nice guy, it was absolutely not difficult for me to explain him the same things again.

Completed the tour and reached final zone. Enjoyed view there, but it was a bit unexpected to learn that further hike is needed from me to reach the cache. OK, I already picked up two mysteries while hiking to and with Walter, so there will be a chance to pickup another tradi. Walked to final locations and there it was not difficult to spot the cache. Found it at 17:07, my #2990.

Thank you very much for another nice hike with Walter, for showing me these beautiful lakes, and many thanks for the cache! For all the efforts put into design of with WIG and gave it Favorite and rated it with 5 stars at GCVote!