Farragut State Park History

Groundspeak Premium Member WrongWayMommy played Farragut State Park History

5 stars

I'm not sure how we're supposed to know whereugo if you, yourself, don't know "whereigo." Seems to me that you should probably know where you are and when you are there, and if you don't, it's really not our responsibility to keep tabs on you. Since our Garmins are not compatible, we were pretty lax in getting over here to find out what this entailed, until K4$ had this fantastic idea. Yay for K4$! He's such a nice guy, no matter what you may or may not have heard about him. Despite this being our ultimate goal we couldn't ignore several others in the area, checking out the inner workings of this very history-rich area. Last time I visited this park back in 2012 we didn't do much other than the road to the view point, it was more of a come-n-see excursion with the extended family. So today was amazing, and the hidden gems that were strewn about were downright fantastic to see. One or two caught the boys' attention pretty good, and now the oldest wants his Troop to camp over here so everyone else can see a certain point. Got a glimpse of the burn scars from the recent fire and thought of my cousin, since she was over here from Montana fighting it along with a multitude of others, and continued our adventure with K4$'s trusty GPS leading the way without faltering. It was a very fun day filled with some laughter, some brotherly love, a little bit of goofing off, and just a touch of seriousness. (Only a touch, don't worry, we know better than to be straight-laced, it just wouldn't be right.) A well-done tour of the area, kudos on the layout and the execution. I believe this is only my third Whereigo, and I can't wait to do more.