The missing logo

Groundspeak Premium Member SnowBoat played The missing logo

5 stars

This WherIgo was played to the megaEvent 2014 GC4XQAM so many was playing this on Saturday but we did not because there was many other thing to do and see, LAB cache had our first priority.
Sunday we did start at this one after 2pm and as we had to find other players to exchange the colour with it fast turns out to be difficault to do, but late afternoon we did succed to get the last blue colour and head out to find the zone and get the task done, and it all succed with no trouble.
The WherIgo was played on mobile using WhereYougo app and runs smooth. only final zone did teased us, but that was my own fault I guess.
This is the BEST WherIgo i ever had tryed play. loving the idea that we had to find other player to exchange colour with, and when all 4 colour was collected the zone open and we head out and play the rest.

More of these type of wherIGo please.
Played on a Samsung. SII with WhereYouGo app