Farragut State Park History

Groundspeak Premium Member DiscGolfBirdie played Farragut State Park History

5 stars

Started this WhereIGo on Monday, July 11th and finished on Friday, July 15th! Unfortunately, there was a sign missing, and I didn't reach the BlueMeanies until the last day of my trip.

While logging my other Farragut State Park finds at Ralph's Internet Cafe in Bayview, I remembered seeing that LookOutLisa had been here. I looked up her CacheAdvance phone number and was lucky to make connections to find the needed answer. As it happens, the sign that is missing now is a different one than the cartridge revision that I had downloaded. I'll email photos to the c.o., so that there are no spoilers here.

Once I got the completion code for the WhereIGo, I forgot that I had a logbook to find too. My muggle spouse was waiting for me to return with the car, so I transported him to the disc golf course again, then went back for the last step. You Idaho geocachers sure do like to bushwhack!

All in all, it was a very interesting tour! Unfortunately, my friends only got to do the first part with me. Thanks for the information just in time!