Mike's Trams

Groundspeak Premium Member RideTheGeoWalrus played Mike's Trams

5 stars

To say that this has been an epic journey would be a gross understatement. It's been nearly a year since this one was published, and I immediately set out and grabbed the first few waypoints. Some crashes and other technical glitches, as well as some serious mis-interpretation of some of the cryptic clues meant it was a start/stop affair.

About one month ago, by chance I was driving past the correct zone for a section I was stuck on and from there I was joined by Bek-Theraccoon and Alex-TheSquirrel, and together we have managed to solve all of the remaining clues over a period of weeks.

Finally tonight, the penultimate location was reached and then it was just a matter of punching the magically revealed coordinates into the GPSr and a little later the cache was in hand. Now on to some train trips... TFTC Laighside Legends!