LOST In Weston

Groundspeak Premium Member Gnomedodds played LOST In Weston

4 stars

Decided today that I would do some wherigos but the weather put me off so I just picked one. This one looked good so off I went I intercepted my mum and geohound ru just as they were going walking to join me. From the start had no problem wondering round tripping the locations and finding the clues. Until one froze and then wouldn't load the save so I started a new one didn't save on close then opened previous game and this solved the problem. Overall all went good got all the clues and completed, unfortunatly I hadn't written down a number so had to get lucky and got the cache in the end with one digit missing
Overall time take car to cache was 2 .5 hrs completing at 1906 then it decided to rain for the way back to the car, o well.
Enjoyed the wherigo overall will do some more tomorrow!!