Conspiracy (EN)
Dnes sme spolu s Natálkou dokončili cartridge a final si necháme na inokedy, lebo dnes to už nestíhame. Začali sme to lúštiť ešte niekedy vlani, ale zasekli sme sa na zvukovej časti. Hoci som mal myšlienku, ako asi pokračovať, ale vtedy sa mi do toho nechcelo. Pokračovali sme až znovu pred pár dňami, po viac ako roku. Ja som hral EN verziu a Natálka SK verziu. Páčilo sa a verím, že sa nám bude aj na finali. Ďakujem
We have finished this cartridge with Natalka today and we leave the final for some other time because we have no time to do so today. We started solving this sometime last year but got stuck at the sound part of it. I had an idea how to continue but I was too lazy to do so. We continued again just a couple of days ago, after more than one year. I played EN version and Natalka SK version of the cartrdige. We liked it and I believe we will like the final, too. Thanks