Stendyssen i ryget skov

Groundspeak Premium Member Bush-Rescue played Stendyssen i ryget skov

Todays total distance: 78,4km
Duration of tour: 14h 46min
Distance by foot/bike: 51,3km
Duration by foot/bike: 13h 48min
Logs to go: 130
Soundtrack: Mr. Kitty - Sacrifice

As I was in the area and my extended route had this one planned, I could not resist to “just quickly” do it. Turns out I forgot what it was until I arrived. I was happy it was that short because I still wanted to make it to the nearby event in time. But since I really like Wherigos, who could have driven by and not solve it…

So that’s what I did: I used both my Garmin Colorado 300 – yes it IS that old – and my Samsung Galaxy 4 – come on, that’s not THAT old. The final zone gave me a little headache because it was very hard for me to get in – guess what - it was harder with the GPSr!

And also my shorts were shorts and the undergrowths there is not very friendly. When I finally was in the zone as my Garmin told me I could not find any cache and got frustrated fast because this
was an unnecessary holdup. I tried the cellphone and – believe it or not – it send me 25m away but in the RIGHT direction. Right when the display said I was 3 m away I saw the cache. My GPSr
which is – I might add – desgined to navigate was 30m off from here. I chewed on that for a little longer.