Bangor Mini Adventure

Groundspeak Premium Member GenieCache played Bangor Mini Adventure

4 stars

Out caching in Bangor with some great caching friends, MedicDrew47, Sox4Life, and 47Stater. While checking the locations for You Sank My Battleship! we decided to concurrently work on the Bangor Mini Adventure WhereIGo. Since no one in our group had done one completely before, it was trial and error, but we got the picture, and were able to work out the details and get to the final. My Oregon decided to die on the last mission so I had to rely on Sox's final direction. Got to the GZ and the final was a bit of a disappointment. Small...well ok...sopping wet subject to flooding...we had plenty of that today ...not winter friendly... and subject to disturbance by every work crew that comes along... It may soon get pounded again when the maintenance crew straightens things up...Thoroughly enjoyed the concept. It would be interesting to find some Bangor spots that have not been ID before in other multis. SL TFTC