The Aussie Farmers Cache

Groundspeak Premium Member Fuchsia Briefs played The Aussie Farmers Cache

5 stars

No. 302

My first Wherigo cache! I had read about these before, but always thought it sounded too confusing to have to use another site in conjunction with this one etc etc, but I'm glad I pushed through and figured out how they work. These might be my new favourite types of cache! The puzzle was an oldie but a goodie, and knew how to do it. Once I got the final co-ords from the kind farmer, i drove over, and spent far too long looking for the cache. I really didn't want to give up, so persevered and eventually found it well-hidden. Thanks for the Wherigo AussieCacher!

The Wherigo site wasn't accepting my unlock code, but a previous finder said that it only needs the first 15 characters, and so it worked!