All Walking in the downtown Logs
m.o.n.i played Walking in the downtown on 6/21/2014
A lovely walk of the area brought us the three needed caches, and 7 of the needed pictures. But we did not give up, and after a few more walked miles had found all 9 pictures, and then went on for the cache, which was found more or less easily, due to the hint.
The cartridge worked well on BB10 with WhereYouGo, had just a technical problem with the BB once when the return-key stopped working. On Garmin550 all went well just until the end when we were not able to enter the final zone. So we were happy that we had used two devices.
Thx for the guided tour of this part of the city,
m.o.n.i & JoLiRa
Sakletarna played Walking in the downtown on 5/26/2013
A really nice walk through parts of Pest. It keept us bussy and vigilant. Thanks for all the efforts that must have gone into creating this cartridge! TFTC indeed.
Beauty_Fee played Walking in the downtown on 2/11/2013
We made this cache today. We saw some new places, found three caches and met 2 other geocacher from Brühl/germany. And we had two mysteries, because we had to find out the codes of the second and the final cache. But we did it.
The cachebox we couldn't find, but we found out the code - so we made this cache and hope that our log is okay for the owner. Thanks for this cache
katrinundgerwin played Walking in the downtown on 9/17/2012
This had been a really nice walk in downtown Budapest... We saw a lot of thinks we wouldn't have seen if we hadn't played this wherigo... Unfortunally we drooped the final canister after logging it...
Sorry for that...
Lovely greetings from nothern Germany
Katrin und Gerwin
ViragFormaZsivanyok played Walking in the downtown on 6/24/2012
Többszöri nekifutásra, Városi kérés nélkül előzékenyen küldött segítségével amit a gc.comon keresztül jutattot el hozzánk-végül sikeresen teljesítettük első WIG sorozatunkat.
Első körben csak a ládákat kerestük, kettő meg is lett, de a templomnál(nem találtuk többször sem) a hint:hogy a WIGben bővebb segítség van elég volt hogy végre kipróbáljuk a WIGt:)
Bénáztunk,aztán fagyoogatott,de jó helyeken sétáltunk,néha frusztráló volt a fotó pontok kersése,illetve, hogy nem akarodzott megadni csak lassan(néha),de végül is jó volt,most már szinte kívülről tudunk mnden utcát,sarkot :)a végláda elég merész volt,így aztán a bónusz láda is be lett gyűjtve.
Köszönjük a lehetőséget,kalandot,rejtéseket és a nem utolsó sorban a segítséget mégegyszer!:)