All Lafayette Park Wherigo Logs

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Groundspeak Premium Member treegal68 played Lafayette Park Wherigo on 3/16/2019

Rating: 4 stars

Enjoyed zigzagging around the park with veevay, fireside796, and Team Daisydog on a windy and strangely sunny-snowy day. No problems with the cartridge using the WhereYouGo app.


Groundspeak Charter Member Rusty O Junk played Lafayette Park Wherigo on 8/23/2018


This cartridge worked flawlessly on my Droid phone. Really enjoyed strolling around the park checking out all the statues and plaques. Took the easy way and drove to the final geocache which took a little searching but finally found it.


Groundspeak Premium Member MatthewCat played Lafayette Park Wherigo on 8/19/2017


I enjoyed the tour of Lafayette Park and the location of the final was my favorite!


Groundspeak Premium Member WoodsWalker907 played Lafayette Park Wherigo on 6/19/2016

Rating: 5 stars

So this was the first time I tried this. I had fun doing it and enjoyed the history lesson. Thanks for taking the time to set this up. :)


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