All The Aussie Farmers Cache Logs

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Groundspeak Premium Member Baktrak played The Aussie Farmers Cache on 3/25/2019


I got quite a bit of exercise lugging all this stuff back and forward and that fox took a bite out of my backside. Nice to be rewarded with a working code at the end.


Groundspeak Premium Member coybear2000 played The Aussie Farmers Cache on 1/2/2018


Done with Trodectus. Our first played. Was fun with a bit of exercise and got everything done in the right order. Thanks muchly.


Groundspeak Premium Member Frazelle played The Aussie Farmers Cache on 7/15/2016

Rating: 4 stars

Love these ones, enjoyed a lot in a nice little parkland. Completed this with Ash.Kate


Groundspeak Premium Member lucky1955 played The Aussie Farmers Cache on 9/7/2015

Rating: 5 stars

My first wherIgo cache. Primed my smartphone with a player and loaded the cartridge. No problems playing it.

enjoyed the experience


Groundspeak Regular Member PandaKeike played The Aussie Farmers Cache on 8/22/2014

Rating: 4 stars

This was a super fun Catridge :D Thanks for the puzzle :)


Groundspeak Regular Member crypdex played The Aussie Farmers Cache on 8/22/2014

Rating: 4 stars

Thank you for this Wherigo, my very first one with PandaKeike :)


Groundspeak Premium Member Mr MR played The Aussie Farmers Cache on 8/2/2014

Rating: 4 stars

After a bit of a hiccup early on, this all went very smoothly. I have done a few of these Wherigos over the years and have noticed that the cartridges all work slightly differently. The previous one I did alerted you when you were in the zone even when you were in navigation mode. This one doesn’t do that so I spent ages manoeuvring about following a fluctuating compass before eventually returning to the main screen to find I was already there. Understanding this quirk, I had no further problems, but it did take a bit longer to do than the 25 minutes suggested by the CO.

I had a great time, thanks StaticTank and AussieCacher.


Groundspeak Premium Member Fuchsia Briefs played The Aussie Farmers Cache on 6/4/2014

Rating: 5 stars

No. 302

My first Wherigo cache! I had read about these before, but always thought it sounded too confusing to have to use another site in conjunction with this one etc etc, but I'm glad I pushed through and figured out how they work. These might be my new favourite types of cache! The puzzle was an oldie but a goodie, and knew how to do it. Once I got the final co-ords from the kind farmer, i drove over, and spent far too long looking for the cache. I really didn't want to give up, so persevered and eventually found it well-hidden. Thanks for the Wherigo AussieCacher!

The Wherigo site wasn't accepting my unlock code, but a previous finder said that it only needs the first 15 characters, and so it worked!


Groundspeak Premium Member gekko33 played The Aussie Farmers Cache on 4/25/2014

Rating: 4 stars

Enjoyed the experience as this was my first Wherigo. Used an Iphone and had no problems with the cartridge or completing the quest.
However the unlock code which is given once the quest is completed is too long and will not unlock the cartridge. You will need to only place the first 15 letters in for the unlock to work.
Overall thank you for the quest.


Groundspeak Premium Member AMobious played The Aussie Farmers Cache on 2/21/2014

Rating: 4 stars

This was my first whereigo cache with Caliazuljewel. We found this today after heading out to the hills district.

We've also been wanting to get some whereigo caches added to our logged caches list. Getting out here has been the challenge.

This was a drive by and parking was easy. Thankfully there were no muggles around the starting zone. We recognised the puzzle and worked ti through in about 15-20 mins. Great! We got the cache GZ coords and the unlock code. I spotted the tell tale sign before showing CJ. We soon had the cache in hand, signed our first whereigo log and replaced the cache as we had found it . The container camo was excellent and was a very really clever hide. It did seem buried which we thought was unusual, but perhaps hadn't been found for a while. It was a very clever hide!

Our only problem is the unlock code didn't work. However, Grounspeak has now sorted it :)

It was a satisfying find and was a great day to chase down more caches. Thanks AussieCacher for another of your caches. Prolific!! SL TNLN TFTC


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