All Meet a fairy figure Logs

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Groundspeak Premium Member bevema played Meet a fairy figure on 5/1/2019

Rating: 2 stars

We gave this game a try on our short stop in Stockholm.
I played it three times, never getting more than close to 200 points, even jogging.

When I had to run around in circles the forth time I called it a day and aborted the task.

It was fun, but too irrational with the sudden dis- and reappearance of the figures. With a lower highscore to reach I'd call it okay, but 700 is a pain.


Groundspeak Regular Member Memme played Meet a fairy figure on 1/20/2013

Rating: 5 stars

Yes-yes-yes, this WIG runs on my Garmin nüvi 500, which hasn't played together with several other cartridges in the area.

To night in snow (10-15 cm) I succeded to play the WIG and reveive the coords for the close-by geocache, maybe that I was fortunate to grab the Magic wand.


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