All Wirral Wherigo Logs

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Groundspeak Premium Member dalekgnw played Wirral Wherigo on 4/2/2024


Nice walk around the park and a quick find at GZ.


Groundspeak Premium Member Royal Oak played Wirral Wherigo on 1/27/2017

Rating: 4 stars

I completed the route and found the final cache. On an Oregon 450 it asked me for a code word but there was no way it would allow for one to be entered. Hwever there wasn't a code word in the final cache anyway!


Groundspeak Premium Member Seasand played Wirral Wherigo on 8/2/2014

Rating: 5 stars

We completed this Wherigo yesterday - having only played a couple of times before. It was simple to follow and showed us around a park we had not visited before. We were even able to stop for a cup of tea. Not sure how to mark it as complete though - have not found a code to enter ... any advice?


Groundspeak Premium Member unowho67 played Wirral Wherigo on 8/25/2013

Rating: 4 stars

Enjoyed a lovely walk round this little park. Found the final cache easily but could not find how to type the code from the cache into the game.
many thanks for setting up this wherigo for us to enjoy


Groundspeak Premium Member Delta68 played Wirral Wherigo on 5/26/2013

Rating: 5 stars

A lovely walk around the park, we saw some very interesting things along the way. Thanks for bringing us to this very special place.


Groundspeak Premium Member MBFace played Wirral Wherigo on 3/21/2011

Rating: 4 stars

After reading recent logs we went armed with both PDA and Oregon 450. They both performed well until the final hurdle when we couldn't see any way of actually entering the code word into the Oregon (despite it asking for one with a great big question mark!).

We enjoyed our tour around Royden Park. Very smelly at the final location :-(. Thanks for creating this Wherigo.


Groundspeak Premium Member tbsc8 played Wirral Wherigo on 8/10/2010

Rating: 4 stars

My fifth wherigo and what excellent, well thought out and interesting one it was. It only took me about 15 minutes and the Oregon only crashed out once but I didn't have to restart the game. final cache found and keyword noted.
Signed the logbook.


Groundspeak Premium Member TheDiscoMessiah played Wirral Wherigo on 4/5/2010


I was using an iPaq 2750 to run the player which didn't give me too many problems other than at the final location - was wandering up and down for quite a while trying to 'reach' the final location even though we had already found the cache by that point! Was getting some funny looks from some nearby muggles for a bit, but they carried on with their business after a while.

Great to have a Wherigo Cache on the Wirral, and this one was a nice easy straightforward one - great introduction to what they're all about for people.



Groundspeak Premium Member Nifta played Wirral Wherigo on 4/5/2010

Rating: 4 stars

Completed this on a Dell Axim X51v (vga screen, WM5.0, BT GPS) using the whereigo player from this site.

No probs, despite this being my first foray into the world of whereigo.

Slight oddness with the bottom 1/2 line or so of the display missing off the screen, and it took a while for the player to prompt me to enter the final code, despite me being "in the zone". Still, I got there in the end.



Groundspeak Premium Member Ant89 played Wirral Wherigo on 4/4/2010

Rating: 4 stars

Played using the 3rd party openWIG App with no issues, TFTWIGC


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