All Wherigo 101: A Tutorial for Syracuse Logs

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Groundspeak Premium Member Lost and Wandering played Wherigo 101: A Tutorial for Syracuse on 8/10/2014

Rating: 5 stars

Played this cartridge through Not sure how to mark it "complete" though. We have a code but can't seem to find where to enter it?


Groundspeak Charter Member Rusty O Junk played Wherigo 101: A Tutorial for Syracuse on 10/8/2012

Rating: 4 stars

I was going to Syracuse for the Big East snowmobile show so I went out early planning on doing this wherigo before going to the show. The cartridge worked really will up to the final stage. I had trouble getting it to hit zero because it was physically not possible to go any further. I waited there a while and eventually it triggered so the cartridge could complete.


Groundspeak Premium Member MickEMT played Wherigo 101: A Tutorial for Syracuse on 10/5/2012

Rating: 5 stars

I'm pretty much the main "Wherigo Guy" in WNY, so when I saw this one get published, it went to the top of my "must do" list. My job sent me to Cortland today, and on my way back I stopped off to run the cartridge and make the find.
The cartridge ran flawlessly on my Garmin Colorado 300, and the explanations at each stage were clear and concise.
All in all, an excellent Wherigo cartridge.
I made my way to the final going in the hard way, and coming out the easier way.
Really earned the favorite point!

I do have a couple suggestions for the cartridge for the owner, which I will send to him via email.

I wish there were more of this type around, sad to think that the two closest ones are in the Watertown area and that I'm the author.



Groundspeak Premium Member TheDavey played Wherigo 101: A Tutorial for Syracuse on 9/19/2012

Rating: 4 stars

Completely forgot to log this in here, played it on wednesday, now today being its sunday I figured I'd finish the log haha. Was a interesting game though the woman walking her dog must have thought I was a lunatic. staring at my phone wandering in circles. Fun challenge though. if this wasnt the only one in the area I'd want to do another. Thanks for the interesting time!


Groundspeak Premium Member boonechev played Wherigo 101: A Tutorial for Syracuse on 7/10/2012

Rating: 4 stars

Nice Whereigo! This was my first one and what a doosy! Not only because the final proved a bit difficult to open, but the story of what happened while I was searching.... go to to find out!


Groundspeak Premium Member bullseye1 wrote a note for Wherigo 101: A Tutorial for Syracuse on 7/4/2012


Did find the cache this morning. At the final I still had a problem with the directional arrow on the GPS but it finally pointed the way to the cache.


Groundspeak Premium Member bullseye1 played Wherigo 101: A Tutorial for Syracuse on 6/26/2012

Rating: 4 stars

Had some trouble with my Oregon 300. At zone 5 it locked up. Took several re-starts and a lot of walking to get it to move on to the next zone. At the final zone I was issued an unlock code which did work. It shows Completed but at the final zone my directional arrow disappeared so I had no way of locating the cache to sign the log. Did some research and have an idea to try and if it works hopefully I will find the cache and log it. Thanks to Novac for taking the time to place the Wherigo. I just wish Garmin would support the Wherigo so Oregon users wouldn't have so much trouble playing the cartridges. It was fun and hope to try another Game sometime. bullseye1


Groundspeak Premium Member LCSM played Wherigo 101: A Tutorial for Syracuse on 6/23/2012

Rating: 4 stars

We were FTF on the wherigo, and got through with one slight glitch, but I had saved at each step, so it was minor. Then when we got home, we couldn't unlock the wherigo. Today, 7/3, I went back and did the whole thing over again with a97virago. We used his i-phone and had a glitch for a while getting the coords to the final, but that finally worked, and I was able to unlock the cartridge tonight. Thanks for the fun, and for bringing a wherigo to Syracuse.


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