All SeaTac Rest Stop Leg Stretcher Logs

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Groundspeak Premium Member philgeorge1 played SeaTac Rest Stop Leg Stretcher on 5/28/2019

Rating: 4 stars

I did my first Wherigo down south at the Scatter Creek reststop yesterday. Today I did another 7, all by the same creator - mc3cats.

This one was straight forward like the other rest stop wherigo and I believe it's a 3 stage also. Good wherigo and geocaching hide. Great for learning how to do a Wherigo. Great prompts and good flow.


Groundspeak Premium Member KorinaCigars played SeaTac Rest Stop Leg Stretcher on 4/12/2018

Rating: 4 stars

Thought I would try out a Wherigo cache, since someone showed me how to get the app to work on my iPhone at an event.
Seems like a combination of a multi and a field puzzle. I'll start doing these, too, now that I can!
Thanks for the cache - it seemed to work perfectly!


Groundspeak Premium Member North of 49 played SeaTac Rest Stop Leg Stretcher on 2/3/2018

Rating: 4 stars

We enjoyed that! And it worked perfectly on iPhone and Oregon 200.


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