sambro65 played A chucha desaparecida on 8/14/2021
This Wherigo is connected with the 33rd cache (apart from AdvLabs) logged during my vacation @ the Azores together with my son @michiambro and my daughter Alice, 7 of which so far are Virtual Caches.
We will spend 12 days in the islands, the last 5 of which in Terceira.
This morning, big tour of Angra do Heroismo, with a lot of geocaching. As a final task, we decided to look for this nice Partly-Reverse Wherigo Cache. We had never solved and found one like this before and we had a lot of fun with it… we solved the final coordinates, but we are almost sure that the container is no longer there… we inspected everything and also contacted the owner who did not answer our message.
Hence, I attached proof of the completion of the Wherigo cartridge and logged a found, followed by a N/M.