All GCF and SAC Wherigo Logs

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Groundspeak Premium Member JavaJudt played GCF and SAC Wherigo on 9/4/2016

Rating: 5 stars

Thanks for a quick one! Always fun to add a Wherigo to the find count.


Groundspeak Premium Member stargazingwoman played GCF and SAC Wherigo on 10/3/2015


Before heading inside to GC58MDJ - Geocoinfest 2015: Omaha, NE - The Sky's The Limit!, MMCachers, Bloomzinski and I came to play this Wherigo. I tried a couple of different ways but my phone wouldn't play and I didn't want to hold up the group, so looked for this one on the coattails of MMCachers who was able to get it to run. Later in the day, we played it again with aycira so she could complete it. Fun both times. Not sure what the problem is with my phone... it runs Whereigos sometimes and not others. Nice to have this set up for us just in time for a 13-type day. TFTWherigoC!


Groundspeak Premium Member Rotorootie played GCF and SAC Wherigo on 10/3/2015

Rating: 5 stars

Fun whereigo with a quick find. Thanks for the whereigo and placing the cache


Groundspeak Premium Member Jerry+Mary played GCF and SAC Wherigo on 10/3/2015

Rating: 5 stars

Thanks for setting this one up. Helped us get 13 icons today.


Groundspeak Premium Member justT1 played GCF and SAC Wherigo on 10/3/2015

Rating: 4 stars

Quick wherigo to get to 12 icons for the day - thanks!!!


Groundspeak Premium Member Bloomzinski played GCF and SAC Wherigo on 10/3/2015

Rating: 3 stars

my first wherigo, completed with MMcachers and Stargazing woman


Groundspeak Premium Member raw54 played GCF and SAC Wherigo on 10/3/2015

Rating: 4 stars

Easy Whereigo and the icon was 1 of 12 in a day. Thanks for creating this whereigo for me to enjoy.


Groundspeak Premium Member sushi played GCF and SAC Wherigo on 10/3/2015

Rating: 5 stars

Thanks for the WhereIGo. Used my iPhone6 to complete this one. Everything seemed straight forward on this.


Groundspeak Premium Member KJKlock played GCF and SAC Wherigo on 10/2/2015

Rating: 5 stars

I love playing Wherigos, so it is great that this one was created for tomorrow's Mega Event. It played perfectly on my iPhone 6 Plus. I couldn't get the cartridge to unlock on by uploading my saved game, but the unlock code that I received at the end of the game worked just fine... so it's all good.

Thanks for creating this Wherigo; I know that it's not that easy to do.


Groundspeak Premium Member lagrac played GCF and SAC Wherigo on 10/2/2015

Rating: 4 stars

In town for GCF.
This WIG ran flawlessly on my Garmin Oregon.
Nicely done.


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