All Davisville Train Heist Logs

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Groundspeak Premium Member Olaf Itoff played Davisville Train Heist on 8/4/2014


We had to reload a couple times to get past a certain stage. The cartridge worked fine on the Android up until the hideout, then it started acting up a bit. One minute we were in the zone using items and the next minute, without moving, we weren't in the zone anymore and the questions didn't come up. It was overall a fun whereigo, even with the glitches.


Groundspeak Premium Member soft298 played Davisville Train Heist on 4/2/2014

Rating: 5 stars

Found the cache after the Davisville Train Heist was recover and suspect capture. Thank for the wherigo.


Groundspeak Premium Member rmhopper wrote a note for Davisville Train Heist on 3/31/2014


I'm glad to say it appears I was hallucinating yesterday. I could swear I spotted an ammo can in the spot and that the cache was listed as a regular. Went back this afternoon and found an oversized micro cache sitting there with all the logs. I guess didn't see the cache when I walked by. With the rain today there were no nearby muggles although there was a new beer can decorating the cache location.


Groundspeak Premium Member rmhopper played Davisville Train Heist on 3/30/2014

Rating: 4 stars

This is the first wherigo I've done solo. I did one in Old Towne Sacramento with LeafySeaDragon before signing up as a geocacher. This was a fun little adventure. The iPhone worked quite well on this cartridge. Relatively easy to get it to zero out at the various waypoints. I spotted the cache in the afternoon from the sidewalk then came back in the evening to grab it and sign the log. It disappeared during that window. Some lovely beer bottles appeared in its place.


Groundspeak Charter Member jimlips played Davisville Train Heist on 6/25/2013

Rating: 3 stars

Played with NightKnight this morning on a cache day in Davis. Took us about 30-45 minutes. Would have taken me much longer if NightKnight wasn't also playing it on her smartphone (a droid) - for some reason, my iPhone was giving me fits. I had to be RIGHT ON GZ for it to continue to the next stage/hint/item. Lots of folks around today. Luckily, the same rabbit name from Lodi works here. Thanks for the fun. Nice area.


Groundspeak Charter Member NightKnight played Davisville Train Heist on 6/25/2013

Rating: 5 stars

Jimlips and I did this one today. My android app had very little trouble with the program and I chugged right through. I had difficulty finding a number and my brain had a little problem with a name, but after doing the Old Sac, and Lodi WIG's, the bad guy was captured in no time. Maybe this time he'll stay behind bars! The final is in good shape, TNLNSL ~ Thanks!


Groundspeak Premium Member LewisClan77 played Davisville Train Heist on 1/6/2013

Rating: 5 stars

This was another cool Train Heist cache. I ran it on my Oregon and Nuvi.


Groundspeak Premium Member HockeyHiker19 played Davisville Train Heist on 1/4/2013


Papa EGTH and I played this cartridge before having dinner at De Vere's Irish Pub. He answered the mystery question fairly quickly, allowing us to continue playing the cartridge. We had issues with Doyle's hangout. Our receivers didn't want to settle down for a long time and we had to wander in and out of the zone before we had the things we needed to capture Doyle. That part was very frustrating. We did finally get the items and we captured Doyle...again! Two trains arrived and left while we worked the cartridge this evening. Thanks - my 51st Wherigo!


Groundspeak Premium Member Papa EGTH played Davisville Train Heist on 1/4/2013

Rating: 4 stars

Was able to play the cartridge on my Garmin Oregon 450 all the way up to seeing the completion code and then it died. I had saved it just prior to that point and restarted but it died again. HockeyHiker19's Oregon played the cartridge without going blank. We both had a problem nailing down the last part although I strongly suspect it had to do with our GPSrs not wanting to lock onto the coordinates.


Groundspeak Premium Member Team Pluto played Davisville Train Heist on 1/3/2013

Rating: 4 stars

This is a beautiful train station in downtown Davis. My wife and I worked the cartridge with a few fits and false starts here and there, but I think it was more operator error than anything else. Thanks for the adventure!


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