All Farragut State Park History Logs

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Groundspeak Premium Member highprairie played Farragut State Park History on 5/6/2018

Rating: 4 stars

I used the WhereYouGo app on a Galaxy S7 phone which worked well. Cartridge version 1.5 had some problems though because park employees have replaced 4 signs which removed information needed to progress through the cartridge. I completed the cartridge by guessing, trial and error and looking up information on the internet. The cartridge has been updated to version 1.6 and hopefully this solved the missing signs problem.
I enjoyed the tour of Farragut Park and learning about the Navy training that occurred during WW2. It was fun progressing through the Wherigo cartridge.


Groundspeak Premium Member DiscGolfBirdie played Farragut State Park History on 7/15/2016

Rating: 5 stars

Started this WhereIGo on Monday, July 11th and finished on Friday, July 15th! Unfortunately, there was a sign missing, and I didn't reach the BlueMeanies until the last day of my trip.

While logging my other Farragut State Park finds at Ralph's Internet Cafe in Bayview, I remembered seeing that LookOutLisa had been here. I looked up her CacheAdvance phone number and was lucky to make connections to find the needed answer. As it happens, the sign that is missing now is a different one than the cartridge revision that I had downloaded. I'll email photos to the c.o., so that there are no spoilers here.

Once I got the completion code for the WhereIGo, I forgot that I had a logbook to find too. My muggle spouse was waiting for me to return with the car, so I transported him to the disc golf course again, then went back for the last step. You Idaho geocachers sure do like to bushwhack!

All in all, it was a very interesting tour! Unfortunately, my friends only got to do the first part with me. Thanks for the information just in time!


Groundspeak Premium Member GeoCrackers played Farragut State Park History on 11/7/2015

Rating: 5 stars

Enjoyed this Wherigo, because of winter season some routes are blocked so you need a detour sometimes.


Groundspeak Premium Member D'Dawg played Farragut State Park History on 7/28/2015

Rating: 5 stars

Got to explore the inner workings of the park just a bit more than we did last time we were here, all thanks to this one bringing us out here in crazy style. Nice tour of the history of the area!


Groundspeak Premium Member Krusen4Kache played Farragut State Park History on 7/28/2015

Rating: 5 stars

I've wanted to get out here for this one for quite some time but was apparently waiting for just the right time to give it a shot. Picking up D'Dawg's Wherigo coin in Clarkston a few weeks ago and desiring to move it to a wherigo cache prompted the planning. D'Dawg and his family (RobotMonkeyBoy, Swiss Cheese Brain, and WrongWayMommy) were invited to join in on the fun, and a free day for the lot of us presented itself. From start to finish, my Oregon550 worked flawlessly, and we actually learned a thing or two along the way. Very well done, and added navigation clues along the way were certainly appreciated. The park map acquired at the manned fee station near HQ certainly helped as well just as suggested in the description. Thanks Blue Meanies. 5 stars!


Groundspeak Regular Member RobotMonkeyBoy played Farragut State Park History on 7/28/2015

Rating: 5 stars

I experienced mayhem and madness at the hands of K4$, WWM, SCB and D'Dawg. The owner of this Whereigo will understand my frame of mind.


Groundspeak Premium Member Swiss Cheese Brain played Farragut State Park History on 7/28/2015

Rating: 5 stars

Teamed up and found this one with WWM, DDAWG, RMB and K4$ one this wonderful afternoon outing around the Farragut State Park area. Finally got to be on-hand for my this Wherigo, and not just getting the final from someone who had done it. We don't have a GPS or smartphone that is compatible for this type of hide. So it was great to team up with someone who did. Thanks K4$. Learned a lot of neat things along the way, and saw some great history of the area. After collecting all the needed info it was a quick jaunt to the final, and the awaiting prize was discovered. Took a groupie to commemorate the occasion. Well done putting this together.


Groundspeak Premium Member WrongWayMommy played Farragut State Park History on 7/28/2015

Rating: 5 stars

I'm not sure how we're supposed to know whereugo if you, yourself, don't know "whereigo." Seems to me that you should probably know where you are and when you are there, and if you don't, it's really not our responsibility to keep tabs on you. Since our Garmins are not compatible, we were pretty lax in getting over here to find out what this entailed, until K4$ had this fantastic idea. Yay for K4$! He's such a nice guy, no matter what you may or may not have heard about him. Despite this being our ultimate goal we couldn't ignore several others in the area, checking out the inner workings of this very history-rich area. Last time I visited this park back in 2012 we didn't do much other than the road to the view point, it was more of a come-n-see excursion with the extended family. So today was amazing, and the hidden gems that were strewn about were downright fantastic to see. One or two caught the boys' attention pretty good, and now the oldest wants his Troop to camp over here so everyone else can see a certain point. Got a glimpse of the burn scars from the recent fire and thought of my cousin, since she was over here from Montana fighting it along with a multitude of others, and continued our adventure with K4$'s trusty GPS leading the way without faltering. It was a very fun day filled with some laughter, some brotherly love, a little bit of goofing off, and just a touch of seriousness. (Only a touch, don't worry, we know better than to be straight-laced, it just wouldn't be right.) A well-done tour of the area, kudos on the layout and the execution. I believe this is only my third Whereigo, and I can't wait to do more.


Groundspeak Premium Member Wiildrose played Farragut State Park History on 8/26/2013

Rating: 5 stars

Great tour of Farragut. Well done! Unfortunately, although I played the whole game, 1 1/2 hrs worth, AND saved it, I get an error msg when I try to upload the .gws file that says that it says I didn't finish. Huh?! I saved it at the end, too. Weird. It's a very interesting Wherigo tour, though.


Groundspeak Premium Member Martin 5 played Farragut State Park History on 5/14/2013

Rating: 5 stars

Tour completed and cache found by J & K of Martin 5 and K's girlfriend, SS!! The three of us cached in Farragut State Park together back in August and had a great time!! After learning of this new Wherigo in the park it was suggested we get together again to find some of the newer caches in the park!! After seeing MntGoat50's log of his device test, we also did one of our own by running both J's Oregon and iPhone (Verizon)!! The Oregon was the champ and picked up the codes quickly every time at at each waypoint!! The iPhone unfortunately didn't fair so well, as it had a hard time at several of the points determining that we were really there!! There were a few locations where we would have to walk in circles around ground zero before it would register that we had arrived!! We finally discontinued using the iPhone at the 2nd to the last waypoint, as after walking a 100 foot radius at and around ground zero we could not get it to register closer than 41 feet!! Obviously Verizon does not have a very good signal in that part of the park!! That being said, the Oregon was the bomb and lead us straight to the final cache!! Thanks for the history and the adventure!!


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